@Vectorslip I will be giving out a few hundred to thousand keys in different waves afterward as well.
Right now there's still things that need to be done before I can just let anyone play it. Plus I'd like there to be more content before opening it …
I did not have PayPal on the LEWD page or anything though. I was just receiving the money from Patreon.
PayPal are simply thieves. I did not violate anything in their agreement.
Well, if the tryout one doesn't work the main dev tool probably wouldn't either unless it's a port 843 issue because you have a broken firewall or router.
So you'd be left with others having to implement your work, which wouldn't work for a dev posi…
@phaos there's been 5 major updates to the test server client and engine alone in the past month. So it's hard to keep track of known issues as they constantly change and sometimes an update creates new ones.
I do usually list some known issues tha…
that really really sucks man. Can you just create a new account?
@Ozofmassage Patreon lets you withdraw to a bank account, which I should have been doing but the writers wanted to be paid via Paypal and there would have been extra fees to pay them…
Well, I'm certainly not most porn game developers.
And yeah. Keeping things to a limited player perspective is pretty important to me for various reasons.
$2 a month is super little. :P But fair enough.
@lurker That is most of the idea and a lot of why I made my own engine. It just takes a ton of content and work before it comes together.
Though NPCs still aren't going to be omnipotent and know everything about you, especially from far away planet…
Will the minor TF's be of the nature that the player gains traits to make them a little more like the one TFing them?
No, sorry. I still have that in mind for a trait or item, but it'll be quite an ordeal to implement.