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Delete this profile. I'm serious. I came to play what I thought would be a neat little online game, but then you screwed me over by forcing me to register then sign in then jump through various hoops, only to find out you need to pay cash to play it. I'm sure as hell not gonna pay cash for something I might not like, same as how I'd never pay for any game I find on the LOK forum. So, seriously, DELETE THIS PROFILE. It's gonna just gather dust otherwise. No, I'm certain I'm not gonna change my mind. I came to see if it was any good, not to throw money at it. All I got was a wild goose chase and nothing from column A but plenty from column B. You're probably alright people and the game might be alright, but I can't say I have any interest anymore. So, I'll say it again one last time: Delete this profile. I'm not coming back. Ever. See ya.


Last Active


  • Delete this profile. I'm serious. I came to play what I thought would be a neat little online game, but then you screwed me over by forcing me to register then sign in then jump through various hoops, only to find out you need to pay cash to play it.

    I'm sure as hell not gonna pay cash for something I might not like, same as how I'd never pay for any game I find on the LOK forum. So, seriously, DELETE THIS PROFILE. It's gonna just gather dust otherwise. No, I'm certain I'm not gonna change my mind. I came to see if it was any good, not to throw money at it. All I got was a wild goose chase and nothing from column A but plenty from column B. You're probably alright people and the game might be alright, but I can't say I have any interest anymore.

    So, I'll say it again one last time: Delete this profile. I'm not coming back. Ever. See ya.
    December 2015